Safarifilme mit Fokus auf die Vögel Kenias


Birding Safari 1

 in Kenia 2012 

(Buffalo Springs, Samburu, Nakuru, Masai Mara, Meru) 

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in Kenia 2012

(Buffalo Springs, Samburu, Nakuru, Masai Mara, Meru)

0:00-14:51 BUFFALO SPRINGS / 14:51-16:24 SAMBURU / 16:24-21:58 BUFFALO SPRINGS / 21:58-41:06 NAKURU / 41:06-48:33 MASAI MARA 48:33-1:09:05 MERU

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Driver-Guide: Dicksen Micherie

Birding Safari 2

in Kenia 2013 

(Meru, Samburu, Shaba, Nakuru, Mara) 

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in Kenia 2013

(Meru, Samburu, Shaba, Nakuru, Mara)

0:00-22:25 MERU / 22:26-39:14 SAMBURU / 39:14-41:32 SHABA / 41:33-43:20 SAMBURU / 43:20-48:00 NAKURU / 48:00-58:16 MARA

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Driver-Guide: Nicholas Wanjohi

Birding Safari 3

in Kenia 2014 

(Buffalo Springs, Samburu, Shaba, Mara, Meru) 

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in Kenia 2014

(Buffalo Springs, Samburu, Shaba, Mara, Meru)

0:00-3:15 BUFFALO SPRINGS / 3:16-12:16 SAMBURU / 12:17-18:36 SHABA / 18:37-19:18 BUFFALO SPRINGS / 19:19-27:54 MASAI MARA / 27:55-53:29 MERU

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Driver-Guide: David Mutunda

Birding Safari 4

 in Kenia 2010 

(Shaba, Buffalo Springs, Samburu, Nakuru, Mara) 

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in Kenia 2010

(Shaba, Buffalo Springs, Samburu, Nakuru, Mara)

0:00-2:48 SHABA / 2:49-3:47 SAMBURU / 3:48-15:15 BUFFALO SPRINGS / 15:16-18:57 LAKE NAKURU / 18:58-24:30 MASAI MARA

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Driver-Guide: John of Liberty

Birding Safari 5

  in Kenia 2015 

(Amboseli, Meru, Nairobi, Tsavo) 

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in Kenia 2015

(Amboseli, Meru, Nairobi, Tsavo)

0:00-22:22 AMBOSELI / 22:23-1:00:09 MERU / 1:00:10-1:04-25 NAIROBI / 1:04:26-1:07:38 TSAVO WEST / 1:07:39-1:12:48 TSAVO OST

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Driver-Guide: Paul Gitau

Birding Safari 6

 in Kenia 2016 

(Amboseli, Nakuru, Meru, Mara) 

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in Kenia 2016

(Amboseli, Meru, Mara)

0:00-40:04 AMBOSELI / 40:05-54:26 MERU / 54:27-1:07:14 MASAI MARA / 1:07:15-1:07:29 NAIROBI NP / 1:07:30-1:09:39 NAKURU NP

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Driver-Guide: Paul Gitau

Birding Safari 7

 in Kenia 2017 

(Mara, Nakuru, Meru) 

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in Kenia 2017

(Mara, Nakuru, Meru)

0:00-23:06 MASAI MARA / 23:07-25:29 NAKURU NP / 25:30-50:48 MERU NP

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Driver-Guide: Paul Gitau

Birding Safari 8

in Kenia 2018 

(Meru, Shaba, Samburu, Nairobi, Tsavo Ost, Tsavo West, Amboseli) 

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in Kenia 2018

(Meru, Shaba, Samburu, Tsavo, Amboseli)

incl.The rare Elephant Twins of Amboseli, Big Tusker Mkono, Super Tusker Indian and late Super Tusker Tim.

0:00-30:45 MERU / 30:46-48:48 SHABA / 48:49-1:15:08 SAMBURU / 1:15:09-1:19:37 NAIROBI NP / 1:19:38-1:28:35 TSAVO EAST / 1:28:35-1:29:09 TSAVO WEST / 1:29:10-1:58:28 AMBOSELI

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Driver-Guide: Paul Gitau

Birding Safari 9

in Kenia 2019 

(Masai Mara, Lake Nakuru, Meru, Amboseli, Kimana)

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in Kenia 2019

(Mara, Nakuru, Meru, Amboseli, Kimana)

incl. The Super Big Tusker Tim, Craig, Sikio & BB Indian.

0:00-21:26 MASAI MARA / 21:27-23:27 NAKURU NP / 23:28-37:52 MERU / 37:53-54-59 AMBOSELI / 55:00-1:02:32 KIMANA SANCTUARY / 1:02:33-1:03:36 AMBOSELI

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Driver-Guide: Paul Gitau

Birding Safari 10

in Kenia 2020 

(Nairobi, Mara, Meru) 

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in Kenia 2020

(Nairobi, Mara, Meru)

0:00-41:42 NAIROBI NP / 41:43-49:40 MASAI MARA / 49:41-1:58:20 MERU NP

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mit Paul Gitau

Safari-Driver: Ken Gacheru

Birding Safari 11

in Kenia 2021 

(Meru Nationalpark) 

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in Kenia 2021

(Meru Nationalpark)

Since 1989 we have been very often and regularly visiting the Meru National Park, which is little visited by Tourists. That's why we know the Meru NP "better than our own Pocket". There is no Path there we have never traveled before, nor the hidden and hard-to-find Trails, Swamps, Forests and Sanctuarys. From our Point of View, Meru Park is the best and most beautiful Park in Kenya. Everyday, Everytime. And it's my favorite, no matter what the Weather Condition is, I'm there. It's always worth the Trip. This is where The Big Five live (Elephant, Rhino, Buffalo, Lion, Leopard), and typical Animal Species found only in the North, such as the Gerenuk, Reticulated Giraffe, Oryx, Lesser Kudus, Somali-Ostrich, Striped Hyena and Grevy-Zebra. According to Tsavo and Amboseli, Meru has the most Big Tuskers of Kenya and of whole Africa, including Super Tuskers, which we have been observing for many Years and which we know by Name. (For safety Reasons and Protection, we unfortunately cannot give any further Details, because the Big Tuskers are very endangered and threatened with Extinction, but you can see these impressive Elephants on our various and special Videos) At some Times you can see very large Elephant-Herds of up to 300 Pieces, which otherwise only the Tsavo NP has to show! Meru NP is also home to the largest number of Rhinos in Kenya, highly protected day and night by the Rangers. Both Types/Species of Rhinos live here: The White Rhino and The Black Rhino. Sometimes you can see both Species of Rhinos grazing together! The usual Savannah-Animals also live here in large Numbers: Grant-Gazelles, Burchell's Zebras, Waterbucks, Warthogs, Eland-Antilopes, Bushbucks, Dikdiks, very large Herds of Buffalos, etc. Jackals are often seen, and Spotted Hyenas specialize in hunting young Giraffes. There are many Prides of Lions, including some magnificent Maned Men who like to hunt Buffalo there. Some of the Simbas are probably descended from Adamson's famous Lions. The famous Lioness Elsa lived here 1956-1961. ("Born Free"). There are also some Cheetahs here, some of which are probably descended from the well-known Cheetah "Spotted Sphynx" named "Pippa", which Joy Adamson released here into the Wild 1964-1969, and probably some of her three Litters of Cubs until into the early 1970's. In the numerous Rivers and Swamps live Hippos, Monitor Lizards, Tortoises, Big Crocodiles and Big Snakes like the Python. Numerous Snakes live throughout the park, including some very venomous Ones; some of the most toxic of Kenya. There are also some Hordes of Baboons and Monkeys. AND: The Number of different Bird Species is very very very large! It doesn't matter if it's Birds living on the Ground or dwelling in the Bushes and Trees, or fly in the Air: Meru NP is the Paradise for Bird Watchers. The Vegetation of Meru NP is very different; Wide Plains like the Murera Plains, Rojewero Plains, Mughwango Plains, Kindani Plains, etc. / Swamps such as the Mulika Swamp, Mururi Swamp, Leopard Rock Swamp, Mughwango Swamp, Bwatherongi Swamp, etc. / Rocks, Hills and Kopjes such as Elsas Kopje, Leopard Rock, Shifta Rocks, Mughwango Hills, etc. / Rivers such as the Murera River, Mulika River, Mutundu River, Makutano River, Bwatherongi River, Rojewero River, Ura River, Tana River, etc. / Palmbushes, Palmtrees, Various Trees and Forests alongside the Rivers and in the Swamps. There are also some large and very old Baobab Trees on which Parrots often live. Meru Park is sourrounded by Hills and Mountains such as the Nyambeni Hills, and some other Hills look like Egyptian Pyramids. Wonderful. And if the visibility is good and the View is clear, you can even see Kenya's highest Mountain, the Mount Kenya, covered sometimes with Snow! If you have Interest in the Meru Park or if you want see more of it, please also have a look at our other numerous Videos about "Safari in Meru Nationalpark" (1989-2024), our "Kenya Big Tuskers" (1-4), and "Birding Safari" (1-29) which often includes wonderful Pictures of the Birds of Meru NP. All Pictures by BenSound, filmed in 1080p50. (From 1989-1991 i filmed with a VHS-C Camcorder, from 2003-2008 with DV-Camcorders, 2010 with a SONY-HD-Camcorder, from 2012-2024 with my Panasonic Camcorder HC-X929 / HC-X800, and my Wife with a Panasonic Camcorder HC-V707 since 2012). When you are on a Safari in Africa, it is often difficult to capture the Wildlife and especially the Birds well with the Camera. In addition to the Animals, the Flora and Landscape Shots are also important to us. We are not professional filmmakers, but we try to do our Best.

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mit Paul Gitau

Safari-Driver: Ken Gacheru

mehr von dieser Safari : "MERU NATIONAL PARK 2021-I" auf Bild klicken! :

Birding Safari 12

  in Kenia 2021 

(Samburu, Shaba, Amboseli, Masai Mara, Buffalo Springs) 

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in Kenia 2021

(Samburu, Shaba, Amboseli, Masai Mara)

0:00-3:17 SAMBURU / 3:18-7:46 SHABA / 7:47-12:39 BUFFALO SPRINGS / 12:40-19:53 SAMBURU / 19:54-1:16:46 AMBOSELI / 

1:16:47-1:28:59 MASAI MARA

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mit Paul Gitau

Safari-Driver: Ken Gacheru, Paul Gitau


in Kenia 2021 

(Meru Nationalpark) 

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in Kenia Meru National Park 2021

mit Paul Gitau

Birding Safari 14

in Kenia 2021

(Meru Nationalpark)

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in Kenia Meru National Park 2021

featuring The Super Tusker & Murera Lions

mit Paul Gitau

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 in Kenia 2021 

(Amboseli, Nakuru, Massai Mara,Tsavo West) 

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in Kenia 2021

(Amboseli, Lake Elementaita, Lake Nakuru, Tsavo West, Massai Mara)

incl. Wild Dogs

0:00-7:40 AMBOSELI / 7:41-10:43 LAKE ELEMENTAITA / 10:44-16:25 LAKE NAKURU / 16:26-26:16 MASAI MARA / 26:17-31:30 TSAVO WEST / 31:30-31:49 AMBOSELI

Driver-Guide: Paul Gitau

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in Kenia 2022 

(Meru Nationalpark) 

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in Kenia Meru National Park 2022

featuring Big Tusker Mkono & Super Tusker Pembe

Narrator: Paul Gitau

Birding Safari 17

in Kenia 2022 

(Nakuru, Samburu, Shaba, Buffalo Springs, Mara) 

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in Kenia 2022 - II.

(Amboseli, Nakuru, Samburu, Mara, Shaba)

incl. the rare Elephant-Twins of Samburu & The Tatu Bora Cheetahs of Mara

0:00-7:12 LAKE NAKURU / 7:13-33:29 SAMBURU / 33:30-37:57 MARA / 37:58-53:16 SHABA / 53:17-1:01:46 SAMBURU / 

1:01:47-1:02:48 BUFFALO SPRINGS

mit Paul Gitau

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Birding Safari 18

  in Kenia 2022 

(Meru NP) 

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in Kenia Meru National Park 2022

featuring Super Tusker Sikio

mit Paul Gitau

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Birding Safari 19

in Kenia 2022 

(Amboseli, Kimana, Meru) 

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in Kenia 2022 - IV

(Amboseli, Kimana, Meru, Masai Mara)

0:00-16:19 AMBOSELI / 16:20-22:13 MASAI MARA / 22:14-57:54 KIMANA / 57:55-1:27:36 MERU

Safari-Driver: Paul Gitau, Tom Polo

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Birding Safari 20

in Kenia 2022 

(Amboseli, Kimana, Meru) 

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in Kenia 2022 - V

(Lake Nakuru, Amboseli, Masai Mara, Tsavo, Meru)

featuring Super Tusker Sikio

0:00-0:09 Intro / 0:10-6:18 LAKE NAKURU / 06:19-12:26 MASAI MARA / 12:27-16:12 AMBOSELI / 16:12-46:42 MERU / 46:42-57:17 AMBOSELI / 57:17-1:08:58 TSAVO / 1:08:59-1:17:26 MASAI MARA

mit Paul Gitau

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Birding Safari 21

in Kenia 2023

(Meru, Mara, Nakuru, Samburu, Tsavo, Solio) 

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in Kenia 2023

(Meru, Nakuru, Samburu, Mara, Tsavo, Solio)

featuring Big Tusker Mkono & The Mulika Pride Lions

0:00-35:49 MERU / 35:50-43:42 SAMBURU / 43:43-49:49 LAKE NAKURU / 49:49-1:00:46 MASAI MARA / 1:00:47-1:00:06 TSAVO

1:00:07-1:11:13 SOLIO

mit Paul Gitau

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Birding Safari 22

 in Kenia 2019, 2023, 2022 

(Meru, Amboseli, Mara) (incl. Lion Cubs & Rhinos of Solio) 

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in Kenia 2019, 2023, 2022

(Meru, Amboseli, Mara, Solio, Nairobi)

incl. Big Tusker, Big Cat Cubs & Rhinos of Solio

0:00-13:10 Intro, Birding Safari & Big Tusker Safari in Meru,Amboseli,Mara) / 13:11-28:57 SOLIO Lion Family (Lioness, 4 Cubs, Simba) / 28:58-41:43 Birding Walking Safari (Nairobi,Ngong)

mit Paul Gitau

Birding Safari 23

 in Kenia 2023 

(Meru Nationalpark, April 2023) (incl. Big Cats and Big Tuskers of Meru) Narrated by our best Safari-Guide Paul Gitau 

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in Kenia Meru National Park 2023

feat. Elsa's Lion Pride, Big Tusker Mkono, Super Tusker Sikio & Indian

Narrator: Paul Gitau

Birding Safari 24

 in Kenia 2023 

(Meru Nationalpark, Juni 2023) (incl. Elephants, Rhinos, Twigas, Buffalos, Antilopes, Gazelles, Hippos, Lions, etc.) 

auf Bild klicken um diesen Film auf Magix anzusehen:


in Kenia Meru National Park Juni 2023

mit Paul Gitau

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Birding Safari 25

in Kenia 2023 

(Shaba / Lake Nakuru / Amboseli, Juni-Juli 2023) 
(incl. Elephants, Rhinos, Grevyzebras, Twigas, Oryx, Waterbucks, Dikdiks, Antilopes, Gerenuks, Gazelles, etc.)


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in Kenia 2023

(Shaba Reserve, Lake Nakuru NP, Amboseli NP)

0:00-39:30 SHABA Reserve / 39:40-47:15 LAKE NAKURU / 47:16-52:51 AMBOSELI 52:52:55:05 Super Tusker Craig

mit Paul Gitau

Driver: George Wanjohi, Paul Gitau

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Birding Safari 26

 in Kenia 2023 

(Lake Nakuru / Amboseli / Ol Pejeta / Samburu, Juli 2023) 
(incl. Elephants, Rhinos, Twigas, Zebras, Hippos, etc.) 

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in Kenia 2023

Samburu / Buffalo Springs / Lake Nakuru / Amboseli / Ol Pejeta

00:00-04:03 BUFFALO SPRINGS / 04:04-12:57 SAMBURU / 12:58-20:09 LAKE NAKURU / 20:10-22:34 HELL'S GATE National Park 

22:35-43:34 AMBOSELI / 43:44-50:06 OL PEJETA Conservacy

Driver-Guide: Paul Gitau

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Birding Safari 27

in Kenia 2023 

(Amboseli / Solio / Mara /Meru, August+September 2023) 

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in Kenia 2023

Amboseli / Meru / Mara / Solio / Sweetwater

00:00-11:25 AMBOSELI / 11:26-18:34 MERU / 18:35-20:22 MARA / 20:23-24:06 AMBOSELI / 24:07-31:11 SOLIO, SWEETWATER /

31:12-48:02 MERU

mit Paul Gitau

Birding Safari 28

 in Kenia 2023 

(Nakuru/Mara/Amboseli/Tsavo, Oktober 2023) 

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in Kenia 2023

Nakuru / Mara / Amboseli / Tsavo

00:00-02:26 LAKE NAKURU / 02:27-08:48 MASAI MARA / 08:48-21:47 AMBOSELI / 21:48-30:34 TSAVO OST

mit Paul Gitau

Birding Safari 29

 in Kenia 2024 

(Meru NP, Januar 2024) 

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This January 2024 Birding Safari in Meru National Park was successful : After several Weeks of Rain, Meru Park is filled with thousands of Birds and Butterflies. (incl. Elephants, Rhinos, Twigas, Buffalos, Zebras, Lions, Gazelles, Antilopes, etc.)

Narrator: Paul Gitau

Birding Safari 30

incl. BIG CATS


 in Kenia 2025 

(Lake Nakuru, Masai Mara, Amboseli, Tsavo West, Februar/März 2025) 


Birding Safari XXX

February / March 2023


"Focus on Birds in Lake Nakuru National Park, Massai Mara Reserves, Amboseli National Park and Tsavo West National Park"

including Big Cats



Nimmersattstörche, Madenhacker, Flamingos, Reiher, Würger (Shrikes), Strausse, Finken, Eulen, Störche, Adler, Kraniche, Flamingos, Pelikane, Riesenhornraben, Pfeifervögel, Singvögel, Kaptäubchen, Kaptäubchen, Mohrenklaffschnabelstörche, Weissstörche, etc.


Unsere Safari beginnt im vogelreichen Lake Nakuru National Park. Hier setzen wir den Fokus vor allem auf die Wasservögel.

Bekannt ist aber der Park auch für seine Nashörner. Löwen sind auch nicht selten.

Hier leben die Rothschildgiraffen, die sonst in keinem anderen Nationalpark zu finden sind, ausser in privaten Schutzgebieten.


In der Masai Mara sichten wir viele Vögel. Zurzeit segeln hunderte von Schwalben über die goldgelben Grassavannen.

Auf Big Cats treffen wir häufig: auf den schlanken Gepard genauso wie auf Simba und sein Rudel.

Einer der Geparde beobachten wir auf der Jagd.

Einige der Löwen kommen aus Neugier und um Schatten zu suchen greifbar nahe ans Auto.

Zwei Löwenbrüder machen sich an einem Hippo-Kadaver zu schaffen, und ein anderer King verteidigt sein Rudel gegen ein junges Männchen,

der mit einem seiner Weibchen näherte. Ein No-Go.

Elefanten, Topis, Zebras, Masaigiraffen, Elandantilopen, Thomsongazellen, Schakale, Schildkröten, usw. sind in der ganzen Mara zu sehen.

Wir beobachten von einem Aussichtspunkt eine Herde Giraffen, die den Fluss überqueren. Hier fühlen sich die Flusspferde zuhause.


Im Amboseli National Park sind diesmal vor allem die Elefanten im Vordergrund. 

Im Hintergrund stets der schneebedeckte Kilimandscharo, Afrikas höchster Berg.


Zum Abschluss besuchen wir den Tsavo West National Park.


with Paul Gitau

A&K-Safari Driver-Guide Paul Gitau

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